Tragedy struck in the ancient city of Kano on Monday when a newly wedded woman set her husband and herself ablaze in Kano over alleged infidelity. The woman was said to have lit a petrol keg in their No 54 Middle Road residence in the Sabon Gari, which exploded, engulfing herself and the husband.
The husband, who did not die on the spot, was rushed to a nearby hospital for medical attention where he later died. It was learnt that the woman, accused her husband of infidelity, shortly after she heard a conversation of her husband with an unidentified lady over the telephone.
She reportedly got angry and lit a keg of petrol within reach, which eventually exploded and engulfed their home at about 12am on Tuesday. An eyewitness, Mr. Emmanuel Okorie, who simply identified the late husband as Emeka, disclosing that the couple hailed from Anambra State.
He said the late couple got married about five weeks ago. He said the woman whose pregnancy should be about seven - months - old, joined the husband in Kano three weeks later.
Okorie, who could not establish, whether it was the alleged telephone conversation that led to the unresolved dispute, however, revealed that Emeka confided in him that his mother imposed the woman on him.
The spokesperson for the Kano State Police Command, DSP Musa Magaji Majiya, said crack detectives from the Command had commenced an investigation to unravel the cause of the dispute.
The husband, who did not die on the spot, was rushed to a nearby hospital for medical attention where he later died. It was learnt that the woman, accused her husband of infidelity, shortly after she heard a conversation of her husband with an unidentified lady over the telephone.
She reportedly got angry and lit a keg of petrol within reach, which eventually exploded and engulfed their home at about 12am on Tuesday. An eyewitness, Mr. Emmanuel Okorie, who simply identified the late husband as Emeka, disclosing that the couple hailed from Anambra State.
He said the late couple got married about five weeks ago. He said the woman whose pregnancy should be about seven - months - old, joined the husband in Kano three weeks later.
Okorie, who could not establish, whether it was the alleged telephone conversation that led to the unresolved dispute, however, revealed that Emeka confided in him that his mother imposed the woman on him.
The spokesperson for the Kano State Police Command, DSP Musa Magaji Majiya, said crack detectives from the Command had commenced an investigation to unravel the cause of the dispute.