Yesterday, Hushpuppi posted a screenshot of a bank alert on snapchat. A concerned Nigerian searched for the email address 'Jwoodscrane' and it connected directly with a Facebook account which belongs to a white woman. Read below the report posted on a forum:
. 'Above Is a virtual registry with the email from his "bank alert". Thats a 100% match... Interesting.....LOL....Mr Socialite.
Not done a baby step was taken further to put a face to the identity and guess what. The end-result made me understand why this dude sometimes wear female clothes. Ray Hushpuppi is actually a "SHE".....'
'THe email was mapped to a single profile on suggestions or similar profiles at all. It got mapped directly to a single Facebook account: Jane Woodscrane. Little wonder why bros hushpuppi picked the "J" from the Jane and retained the "Woodscrane".'
'The account has just a few pictures with the usual Facebook privacy thing turned on (very peculiar with Nigerian scammers tho). I want to believe this dude has more aces up his sleeves.
This could be his past or his latest parole......but one thing is so certain. This is a part of who Hushpuppi is.'
'I do social engineering for if he would like to bark at this, he should remember there is more where that came from unless he is a close friend to the CEO of Google and would put a call through to him to wipe off all his related records off the internet (plus dark web).'
'I'm not hating on him tho...but so long he keeps insulting hardworking people with a verified source of income - the source of his wealth will continue to stir the curious mind.'