Swiss sex sadist who drugged and tortured 7 African women in his dungeon, is jailed

A perverted sex sadist who drugged African women and took them to his homemade horror dungeon to torture them on camera has been jailed for eight years. The 63-year-old Swiss man only identified as Urs W contacted the women on an online dating platform.

When he won over their trust, he offered them money to take a drink spiked with rohypnol and other knockout drugs at his home, a court heard. The horrific assaults which local media report included beating the women on the breasts with various objects.

This included using vacuum pumps, clothespins, electricity and even a mouth spreader, were carried out in the cellar which he had converted into a torture chamber. When the women cried out in pain, he forced them to perform oral sex. .

Urs W. did not deny that he filmed various sex acts. According to him, the women knew what they were doing when they took his medication and had agreed to the sexual acts in advance.

He said: "I have paid for everything and got what I wanted. Without video we would not be here. Nothing would have happened to anyone. I had my fun, and the women their money." .

Urs W. was finally caught three years ago when firemen dealing with a flood realised that there was an illegal cannabis plantation in one of the rooms of the industrial property which Urs W. rented in the town of Hausen. .

Police were alerted, and decided to carry out a full search of the property in which they discovered that sexual abuse was carried out in a converted storage cellar. .

This had been turned into a torture dungeon after they found extensive video material of the shocking scenes. An investigation later uncovered details of the victims who were assaulted between November 2010 and December 2013. 📸:
