Donald Trump's bodyguard makes startling admission about Russian prostitutes and the "Pee Pee Tape" - NBC News
The infamous Trump-Russia dossier has long asserted that during Trump’s trip to Moscow for the Miss Universe in 2013, the Russians sent prostitutes to Trump’s hotel room so they could secretly record him in the act, and then use it to blackmail him. Although much of the dossier has since been independently proven, that portion never has. Now According to NBC News, Schiller testified to Congress this week that the Russians offered to send five #prostitutes to Trump’s hotel room, but claims the offer was turned down. πHe may be protesting too much.Schiller appears to have offered this information in an attempt at demonstrating that Donald Trump is the kind of guy who turns down prostitutes even when they’re offered to him, and therefore the #PeePeeTape incident can’t possibly have happened. But this is the kind of thing that can get witnesses in trouble. Trump’s own bodyguard just acknowledged that during the Pee Pee Tape trip, the Russians offered Trump prostitutes. That confirms half the story. It also gives much more specific detail to the story, which can set off a series of dominoes. Perhaps another hotel guest, or hotel employee, has long remembered seeing a guy who looked like #KeithSchiller ushering five women into a hotel suite. Now that Schiller has given specific detail to the story, that individual might feel emboldened to come forward. We’ll see what this leads to – but thanks to his oddly specific denials, Schiller just unwittingly put us a lot closer to the Pee Pee Tape.π